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Arsenal Ace Hector Bellerin Reveals Truth Behind Mesut Ozil Fight

Hector Bellerin insists there is no problem between him and Mesut Ozil after the pair exchanged heated words during Arsenal's win over Stoke on Sunday.

In the second half, Bellerin had played a pass to Ozil in the second half of the 3-0 win at the Emirates, but the German had run into an offside position.

As the Arsenal right-back ran back to his position, cameras captured Ozil berating his team-mate.

After the match, Ozil and Bellerin were involved in a friendly Twitter exchange.

And Bellerin has attempted to end any thought of a rift by claiming “what happens on the pitch, stays on the pitch”.

He told Sky Sports: "We are two passionate players and we love the game, and you get into those situations.

"Straight after the game, we were hugging each other. It happens and what happens on the pitch, stays on the pitch.

"I think he said something like 'you talk too much' and to be fair, if I was a guy playing alongside myself, I do probably talk a bit too much!

"But I always want to give information to the players in front of me and I want players to demand from me as well. That Is how it works.

"We only have a pair of eyes so, when you have players around you that can give you information, it is always important.

"It is normal to always get into things like that in games, this time the cameras picked it up.

"This is part of football, it happens every day and once it finishes, we are all friends again."
Arsenal Ace Hector Bellerin Reveals Truth Behind Mesut Ozil Fight Arsenal Ace Hector Bellerin Reveals Truth Behind Mesut Ozil Fight Reviewed by naijaparrot on April 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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